Daily Reading Homework

DAILY READING HOMEWORK: 20+ minutes reading of independent reading book. Record completed books on your reading goal sheet!

One of the most important goals we have for our students is for them to establish the habits of a reader and a lifelong love of books and reading. All students should leave school each day with one or more books to be read at home and returned to school the next day. Our goal is for every student to read at least 20+ minutes each afternoon or evening.

There is no more important homework than reading. Research shows that the highest achieving students are those who devote leisure time to reading. Recently the largest-ever international study of reading found that the single most important predictor of academic success is the amount of time children spend reading books, more important even than economic or social status. And one of the few predictors of high achievement in math and science is the amount of time children devote to pleasure reading.

There is no substitute for regular, sustained time with books. Here are some ideas to support your child develop the habits of a lifelong reader:

  • Discuss the best time and place for reading to happen at home.

    • A quiet environment and a consistent time and place will definitely help!

    • Right before bed might not always work. Your student might be too sleepy, or you might want to be able to say things like, “Remember, you can have your TV/Computer time after your reading time.”

  • Brainstorm ways you can develop a reading culture at home.

    • Read aloud to your child.

    • Read the same book and talk about it.

    • Preview/recommend books for your child.

    • Set aside a “reading time” where family members read on their own, in the same place.

Let us know if your child is struggling to read daily or is often resistant to reading. We will be tracking and problem-solving these issues during Reading Intervention. Reading homework should be a pleasant part of your child’s day, not a dreaded daily task. We would be delighted to brainstorm individual reading plans together with you and your student.