
Assignment Policy

For grading and assignment policies for specific classes, please view the class syllabus which can be found on class page or in google classroom.

AR 6154 Homework/Make Up Policy

Egan School adheres to our district’s homework policies. Completion of the daily homework is critical for academic progress, and you are responsible to write down these assignments carefully in your Daily Planner. Each of your teachers will explain their specific homework policies in greater detail. When you are absent for one or more days, call a classmate or check on your teacher’s website to get your assignments, and see your teachers about missed work when you return.

Evaluation and Reporting

At the end of each quarter, teachers weigh all the evidence of student learning relative to the current expectations for each standard. They assign scores—4, 3, 2, or 1—to represent students’ level of understanding according to the LASD Mastery Rubric.

LASD Master Rubric

Learning Behaviors

In addition to academic standards, teachers evaluate students’ abilities to utilize non-academic skills. The Learning Behaviors Rubric helps teachers evaluate and communicate information about student growth in intangible aspects of learning such as perseverance, goal-setting, responsibility and collaboration.

Learning Behaviors Rubric