Policies and Procedures

Nut Policy

Of special concern is the issue of nuts. Our school is a “nut free zone”. Due to the dramatic increase in allergies we ask that no nuts, nut products, or products which may contain nuts be brought into the classroom at any time. If your child has any allergies or special food requirements, please notify the teacher and this will be noted in the student’s file. All parents are notified before the beginning of classes which foods are not acceptable.

Contact List

Each parent will be provided with a contact list at the beginning of the school year. It will include a student list as well as phone numbers and addresses. If you do not wish your address and telephone number on this list, please inform your teacher in September and we will omit it. This list is NOT to be used for any business purposes.


Please park in the lot along the side or at the rear of the church and walk your child to and from the classroom. You may use either the front or back door of the Church.

Arriving / Departing & Absences

Arriving on time and picking up on time is very important not only for the children but for the teachers as well. The front or back door to the church is always locked. Please ring the doorbell twice for the Preschool. Parents can then assist each other with entering the church. (Please do not prop the door open.) Please do not pick up or drop off your child more than 5 minutes from the scheduled class time as the teachers are preparing for class. Students will not be allowed to enter the classroom until the teacher opens the door. If your child is going to be absent, please notify the teacher by phoning 403-826-2585.


All children must be accompanied to and from the classroom. They must be signed in on arrival and signed out upon departure. This is especially important for security and licensing purposes.


Discipline and guidance shall be based on understanding the personal needs and development of each child. Our goal is to maximize the growth and development of each child while protecting the group and the individuals within it. Our philosophy is to work with children providing clear expectations and positive reinforcement to encourage appropriate behaviour.


The Lakeview Community Preschool teachers will call a child’s parents and ask them to arrange for the immediate removal of their child from the Preschool if the teacher notices a child has any of the following signs or symptoms.

  • A child is vomiting and/or having a fever, diarrhea or a new, unexplained rash or cough.
  • A child requires greater care and attention than can be provided without comprising the care of the other children in the preschool.
  • A child is having or showing other illness or symptoms that the teacher knows or believes may indicate that the child poses a health risk to the other children at the Preschool.

The child will not be allowed back into the classroom until the parents/primary caregiver can confirm and will sign to the fact that a child has been symptom-free for at least 24 hours and no longer poses a health risk to other children.

Feedback and Suggestions

We encourage feedback regarding the school. Please feel free to make any suggestions to the director or your teacher; we will be happy to talk with you regarding any aspect of the school. If you are interested in becoming involved in the school, please contact the Director.

For more information:

Jill Berci the Director for 2019-2020

Courtney Joseph is the Registrar for 2019-2020