
Welcome to my portfolio's website

In this website you can see all information and documents collected on my academic progress, contribution and achievements during the academic year.

Needed Docs

Name: Yaseen Noori Mahmood Alshekhany

Degree: PhD.

Title: Asstant prof.


Department/ Faculty: DBIO/ FSCH

University: Koya University

E-mail: yasin.nori@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964)-770 139 3250

My Google Scholar Page: scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=user=esd-zOAAAAAJ

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Quality assurance website

Teacher portfolio website

How to name approval letters and certificates (help)

Yaseen N. Shekhany.

Received his B.Sc. degree in Plant Product from Tikrit University, Iraq (2001), M.Sc. degree in Plant Physiology ( Field Crops), Tikrit University, Iraq (2004) and PhD.degree in Botany from Tikrit University , Iraq (8-4-2015).

He joined to the Koya University after completed the master degree In the Academic year 2004-2005, he was Associate Dean of Agricultural college ( 2008-2010) and dean of same college ( 2010) , and now he is Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Health.

Help about how to prepare this electronic Portfolio

Abbreviation of Departments and Faculties at KoyaU.