Welcome to my Academic Profile page.
I am Dr. Sahar Basil Mahmood .
Assistant Professor in the Architectural Engineering (DARE) and Director of the Heritage Conservation Research Program-HCRPin the Research Center in the Faculty of Engineering at Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq
4 Journal Articles +
4 Conf. papers +
2 book-translations
e-mail: sahar.basil@koyauniversity.org
My Portfolio & CAD (PF&CAD) (Hyperlink)
I teach several topics at my Department, and for this academic year I teach:
Architectural Design & Thesis- 5th Stage
Conservation and Rehabilitation- 5th Stage
History of Architecture II- 3rd Stage
History of Architecture I- 2nd Stage
Academic Debate- 1st Stage
My research interest is in the fields of:
- Conservation of Historic Buildings and Cities.
- History of Architecture and City Planning.
- Architectural Design.
- Urban Planning and Design.
- Theory of Architecture.
- Green Buildings and Cities.