
Welcome to my portfolio's website

In this website you can see all information and documents collected on my academic progress, contribution and achievements during the academic year.

Needed Docs

Name: Hawar J. Sadiq Hawezy

Degree: M.Sc. of Analytical Chemistry

Title: Assistant Lecturer

Position: Academic staff, head of QA at DCHM

Department/Faculty: DCHM/FSCH

University: Koya University

E-mail: hawar.jalal@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964)-7503033525

Visit http://goo.gl/ClJFN for help

Quality assurance website

Teacher portfolio website

How to name approval letters and certificates (help)

Hawar J. Sadiq Hawezy

I have got B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, Collage of Science, Salahaddin, Iraq (2004), M.Sc. degree in Analytical Chemistry, Famagusta, Cyprus(2014). I am now Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Health.

Help about how to prepare this electronic Portfolio

Abbreviation of Departments and Faculties at KoyaU.