
Welcome to my portfolio's website

In this website you can see all information and documents collected on my academic progress, contribution and achievements during the academic year.

Needed Docs

Name: Hamid Badri Abdul-Salam

Degree: PhD

Title: Assistant Professor

Position: Director of Behar English Language Center

Department/School/Faculty: English/Languages/FHSS

University: Koya University

E-mail: hamid.al-ani@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964)- 7502212379

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Teacher portfolio website

How to name approval letters and certificates (help)

I am Hamid B. AbdulSalam. I hold a PhD in English Literature/ Postmodern American Poetry. I have been teaching at the University of Koya for about 13 years.

My field of research is Modern and Contemporary American poetry with reference to the recent literary theories that helped shaping the technical and theoretical background.

I teach the following classes:

1- Twentieth-Century English and American Poetry

2- Literary Criticism

Help about how to prepare this electronic Portfolio

Abbreviation of Departments and Faculties at KoyaU.