
Well come to my Academic Profile page.

My name is Esmail Salih Kakey ,

I am Professor with a PhD degree in Animal Physiology, teaching in the Faculty of Science and Health

at Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

Publications: 2 Books +50 Journal Articles +15 Conf. papers

h-index: x

e-mail: esmail.kakey@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964) -07501096013

My Portfolio & CAD (PF&CAD)

I am Director of Curriculum development in the Koya university

My Google Scholar

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1422-9167


Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/esmail-kakey/

Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1695281/esmail-kakey/

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

  1. Animal physiology

  2. Academic Debates

    1. Ecotoxicology for PhD Study

  3. Organ&System Physiology for PhD Study

  4. Endocrinology for PhD study

  5. Molecular Physiology

My research interests focus on;

  1. Clinical physiology.

  2. Natural Products Evaluation.

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