
Publications: x Books + x Journal Articles +x Conf. papers

Journal Articles: Alleviating effect of Bauhinia variegata leaves extract on altered serum adipokines and impaired kidney

function in male rats with experimentally induced obesity, http://www.jofamericanscience.org

My Google Scholar page

h-index: 3

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2603-1588




e-mail: awat.omar@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964) - 7503086398

My Portfolio & CAD (PF&CAD)

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Awat omar Sabr I have a master's degree in animal hsysiology & Ecologye, teaching atFaculty of Science and Healhat Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.

I teach several topics at my faculty, FSCH, DMEM

1. Pathology (Elective) (PAT6528)

2. Human physiology and Haematology (HHP6510)

3. Microbial Pathogenicity and Nosocmail Infections ( )

My research interests focus on;

Evaluation of Renoprotective Effect of Bauhinia variegata Extract In Male Rats Fed on High Fat Diet