Wales AND KM Explore = Wales/Explore Campus PTO

Wales/Explore (WE) Campus PTO Vision

The mission of the Wales/Explore Campus PTO is to build and sustain relationships between families, staff, and school, fostering a deeper sense of connection and belonging.  In addition the Wales/Explore Campus PTO holds fundraisers to obtain funds necessary to provide our campus with supplemental resources and experiences to enhance the learning experiences of all students at both Wales Elementary and KM Explore.

Click on the Facebook link to see event updates: WE Campus PTO - We Love Our School!

NExt PTO Meeting is Wednesday March 13, 2024 @ 6:30-7

Join us in person or via our PTO google meet 

(to join our Google Meet from this page, click on image below and choose the square icon in the pop up on the upper left to open the meeting in a new tab)

~ Wales/Explore Campus School Store ~ 

Located in the Wales/Explore Campus Library

School Year Hours: Open Tuesdays from 8:10am until 8:35am

Click on the +Google Calendar icon above to add the Wales / Explore Campus PTO Events Calendar to your device. 

2023/2024 WE Campus PTO Event Dates

We would love for you to join us at a meeting! 

Please review our most recent meeting notes to stay up to date.

September 23/24 - Wales/Explore Campus PTO General Association Meeting
October 23/24 - Wales/Explore Campus PTO General Association Meeting

November 23/24 - Wales/Explore Campus PTO General Association Meeting
January 23/24 - Wales/Explore Campus PTO General Association Meeting

February 23/24 Wales/Explore Campus PTO General Association Meeting

2022-2023 Wales/Explore Campus PTO Board Members

Wales Principal: Jen Balzer

Explore Director: Tiffany Zeirke

Co-Presidents: Sarah Joseph (KM Explore) & Kristin McLean (Wales)

Co-Vice-Presidents: Melissa Wilson (KM Explore) & (position open for Wales)

Communication Coordinator: Brie Martir

Treasurer: Jill Bruckert

KM Explore Teacher Liaison: Barb Shaver

Wales Teacher Liaison: Heidi Blawat