Kekaulike Senior Project
Since 1999, Kekaulike High School has participated in an ever evolving Senior capstone assignment. In its current form, the integrated Senior Project, students are given the opportunity to showcase all that they have learned in twelve years of school with a project that challenges their abilities, stretches their limitations, and culminates in a rewarding final activity to their high school careers.
The Senior Project consists of four components: Product, Paper, Portfolio, and Presentation. The first step in the process is deciding on a topic for the Project and a commitment to a tangible Product that the student will complete. This leads to a research Paper on the topic, an on-line Portfolio about what the student has learned and experienced during the process, and a Presentation of their Senior Project to a community panel of adults. Students will be working on these components in their senior Social Studies and English classes, with on-campus mentors, and on their own time outside of school.
The Kekaulike Senior Project affords students the ability to demonstrate their proficiency in the General Learner Outcomes (GLOs), personal responsibility and life skills, and career and college readiness while showcasing their individual talents and passions.
Successful completion of all of the components (Product, Paper, Portfolio and Presentation) are required in order for a student to participate in the graduation ceremony.