Welcome to the Smiley Face Class!!

Hello! ¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to the Smiley Face Class!

My name is Regina Parrott and it is my absolute privilege and honor to get to know, love and teach your child this year! I am a graduate of Kilgore ISD and I count it a blessing to teach in this wonderful school district in which I received so much love and care from my very own teachers.

So that you may know a little bit about me, I'll say this. During the school year, I spend the bulk of my time in one of two places: at school and at church. At church, I serve in a number of ministries and have had the opportunity to go on multiple mission trips to Mexico and to Nicaragua. On these Mission Trips, we assist the local pastors in various ways, depending on the needs of their church. But, I would say that our most favorite activity is putting on festivals for the children; many of whom live in impoverished areas and have never seen the inflatables or games and props such as we bring. It is during this time that I have the opportunity to be a clown! It is VERY fun and rewarding, yet VERY hard work! I never knew clowns worked so hard! ...Until I went to Mexico!

Now, concerning school... Years ago, when I first heard of the dual language program, I felt that I would like to "try" that one day. This is because of the love I acquired for the Spanish language and the Hispanic culture while being on Mission Trips. Well, fast-forward some years, and that "day" is here now. I have a wonderful group of bilingual teachers with whom to work and I am BLESSED!!! With that being said, I would like to say, "THANK YOU" to my bilingual colleagues; you are my greatest resource as I and our English-speaking students travel on this path to learn the Spanish language! And, THANK YOU, parents for sharing your children with me! I look forward to them becoming "my children" over the course of the school-year, as they always do! God bless you... God keep you... I wish you well!

Conference Time: 11:05 - 11:50 a.m.

Contact Information: rparrott@kisd.org / (903) 988-3905

* Tutorials are built into our day based on student need.