
Teaching is one of the most important careers in any democratic society. In fact, a democracy is totally dependent on an educated citizenry that is well informed about the many political issues that must be resolved by the society. Furthermore, people in a democracy must feel that voting and participating in other ways in the democratic process are important - and this attitude must somehow be learned. Our nation looks to teachers to provide the education essential to sustaining our democracy.

It has often been said that this nation's most important natural resource is our children. Parents, legislators, and U.S. society in general feel that education is essential for our nation's children. Children must learn the basics, but they must also be nurtured and inspired. Each child must be allowed to learn at her or his own pace, but all must be challenged - and accomplishing both tasks is extremely difficult, because no two children are alike. In fact, our children - coming from many multicultural backgrounds - are wonderfully diverse.

Each year our society becomes more complex. We now live in what is often called an information age, a period in which knowledge has been expanded so much that managing the huge amount of available information is one of our largest problems. This rapid expansion of knowledge has required that citizens become information managers. Whom does our society expect to provide the education needed by our youth to help them function well in this capacity? If your answer is teachers and parents, you are absolutely correct.

This is a web site is designed to help parents play a part in the education of their children. This is a place where you as parents can come to see your children's daily homework assignments, lesson plans, and to be able to e-mail me about your child or the class in general. mjagielski@kgcs.k12.va.us or call (540) 775-2331 between 10:00-10:56 a.m.

Mr. Jagielski