Guidelines and Expectations


To make this year in Algebra 1 enjoyable and productive, the following guidelines will help each student to be successful:

Be prepared

  • Bring supplies to class. You will need lots of notebook paper and pencils along with a one subject spiral specifically for this class.
  • Keep a spiral with any bellringers,notes taken in class along with weekly vocabulary words. These will be used throughout the year on various assignments and as study material for tests.
  • Take care of restroom needs during passing periods, restroom passes will be very limited and only if time permits.
  • Late work will be accepted in accordance with the policy set forth by the student handbook. Assignments will be accepted late at a deduction of ten points per day. Assignments will not be accepted more than three days late. Projects will be assigned and worked on over several weeks, due dates will be specified at the time the project is assigned. Projects will not be accepted late.

Be ready to participate

  • Be in attendance and be ready to participate in all classroom activities.
  • Be in your seat, ready to work, at the start of class. Offer your ideas, share your thoughts. Be engaged!
  • Be respectful
  • Be respectful to the teacher and other students at all times. Treat my room, its furnishings and my belongings with respect.
  • Be helpful and supportive so ALL students can learn.


Tests/quizzes - 50%

Daily Assignments - 50%

  • We will have many projects throughout the year. Projects will include students using creating study guides from previous work. Completed projects will count as test grades. The checkpoints for the project will count as daily grades.
  • There are always the occasional bumps in the road. If a student fails an assignment or test, they will be allowed to come and be retaught the material and then complete a comparable assignment or test. They can earn up to a 70 on this new assignment or test. This process must be initiated by the student within 3 days of the posting of the failing grade.
  • Students will be assigned a minimum of 5 grades per 3 week period. Out of these 5 grades, one will be a test, quiz or project.