
Kim Spaccarotella, PhD

Assistant Professor

Biological Sciences

1000 Morris Ave.

Union, NJ 07083

Office:  C-138

Email:  kspaccar@kean.edu

Ph.D., Penn State, Nutritional Sciences

M.S., Kean University, Exercise Science

B.S., Ramapo College of NJ, Biology   

Welcome to Dr. Spaccarotella's website!  Browse the site to find resources for the classes you are taking with me, learn more about my research and find helpful links related to biology and nutritional sciences.

Research Interests:

Classes Taught:

Selected Publications and Presentations:                   


Spaccarotella, K., Hartman, T., Kris-Etherton, P., Stone, W., Bagshaw, D., Fishell, V., Lawrence, F.  (2005).  The effects of walnut consumption on serum tocopherol in men at increased risk for prostate cancer.   FASEB J. A72.2. 

Spaccarotella, K., Kris-Etherton, P., Stone, W., Bagshaw, D., Fishell, V., Lawrence, F., Hartman, T. (April, 2006).  The effects of walnut consumption on factors related to prostate and vascular health in men at risk for prostate cancer.   Abstract and poster session presented at Experimental Biology, 2006, San Francisco, CA. 

Hartman, T., Ledikwe, J., Martin, K., Schaffer, M., Mauger, D., Murrary, T., Spaccarotella, K., Kronheim, L. (2007).  The associations between food, nutrition and physical activity and the risk of cancer of the mouth, pharynx and larynx and underlying mechanisms.  In Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer:  a global perspective.  Washington, D.C.:  World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research.

Hartman, T., Ledikwe, J., Martin, K., Schaffer, M., Mauger, D., Murrary, T., Spaccarotella, K., Kronheim, L. (2007).  The associations between food, nutrition and physical activity and the risk of cancer of oesophagus and underlying mechanisms.  In Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer:  a global perspective.  Washington, D.C.:  World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research.

Spaccarotella, K.  (2008).  Fast Food.  In The Encyclopedia of Obesity.  Sage Publications, Inc.

Fitzgerald, N and Spaccarotella, K.  (2008).  Computers and the Media.  In The Encyclopedia of Obesity.  Sage Publications, Inc.

Spaccarotella, K., Kris-Etherton, P., Stone, W., Bagshaw, D., Fishell, V., Lawrence, F, West, S, Hartman, T.  (2008).  The effects of walnut intake on factors related to prostate and vascular health in older men.  Nutrition Journal, 7:13.

Fitzgerald, N, and Spaccarotella, K.  (2008).  Barriers to a healthy lifestyle:  from individuals to public policy - an ecological perspective.  Journal of Extension.

Spaccarotella, K.  (2009).  Small steps, big benefits: using pedometers across the curriculum.  The Reporter, 80:1.

Spacarotella, K. (2010). The fit fridge for fit families.

Spaccarotella, K., Andzel, W.  Building a better beverage for recovery from endurance activity: a review.  (2011).  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(11):3198-204. 

Spaccarotella, K., Andzel, W.  The effects of low fat chocolate milk on postexercise recovery in collegiate athletes. (2011).  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(12):3456-60.

Yorkin, M., Spaccarotella, K., Martins-Biggers, J., Quick, V. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2013). Accuracy and consistency of weights provided by home bathroom scalesBMC Public Health, 13:1194.

Spaccarotella, K. and James, R. (2014). In search of a better bean: a simple activity to introduce plant biology. The American Biology Teacher, 76(5), 352-353.

Martin-Biggers, J., Spaccarotella, K., Berhaupt-Glickstein, A., Hongu, N., Worobey, J. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2014). Come and get it: a discussion of family mealtime literature and factors affecting obesity risk. Adv Nutr, (5):235-247.

Martin-Biggers, J., Spaccarotella, K., Hongnu, N., Alleman, G., Worobey, J., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2015). Translating it into real life: a qualitative study of cognitions, barriers and supports for key obesiogenic behaviors in parents of preschoolers. BMC Public Health, 15:189.

Yorkin, M., Spaccarotella, K., Martin-Biggers, J., Lozada, C., Hongu, N., Quick, V. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2015). A tool to improve the accuracy of parent measurements of preschool child height. Advances in Public Health.

Martin-Biggers, J., Spaccarotella, K., Delaney, C., Koenings, M., Alleman, G., Hongnu, N., Worobey, J., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2015). Development of the intervention materials for the HomeStyles obesity prevention program for parents of preschoolers. Nutrients.

Cheng, C., Martin-Biggers, J., Quick, V., Spaccarotella, K., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2016). Validity and reliability of HOP-Up: a questionnaire to evaluate physical activity environments in homes with preschool-aged children. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13:91.

Lewis, S., Baxter, V., Spaccarotella, Andzel, W.  2017. College students’ knowledge of recovery beverage serving sizes. InternationalJournal of Exercise Science, 10(3).

Lorentzen, L., & Spaccarotella, K.  (2017). Waste not, want not. Phi Kappa Phi Forum Magazine. 

Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Wu, F., Spaccarotella, K., Quick, V., Martin-Biggers, M., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Systematic review of control groups in nutrition education intervention research.  International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14:91.

Denehey, T., Marshall, T., Spaccarotella, K., & Andzel, W. (2018). The impact of an external load of football equipment on dynamic balance as assess by the modified Star Excursion Balance Test. International Journal of Exercise Science, 11(4):737-805.

Eck, K., Delaney, C., Dinesen, A., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Spaccarotella, K., Leary, M., Olfert, M., Hadedorn, R., & Shelnutt, K.  (2018). “Go Outside and Play!” Qualitative investigation of the cognitions, barriers, and supports for recommended active play and screentime behaviors of parents and school-age children. Journal of Childhood Obesity, 3:S1-004.

Eck, K., Spaccarotella, K., Delaney, C., Olfert, M., Shelnutt, K., & Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2018).  "It's making memories:" A qualitative investigation of family mealtime cognitions, barriers and strategies for success of parents and school-aged kids."  Journal of Childhood Obesity, 3(52).

Morrone, B., & Spaccarotella, K. (2018). Comparison of balance between genders of CrossFit athletes.  Graduate Journal of Sport, Exerciseand Physical Education Research, 10: 1-11.

Suarez. E., & Spaccarotella, K. (2018). Effect of FitBit use on physical activity in cardiac rehabilitation patients.  Graduate Journal of Sport, Exerciseand Physical Education Research, 10: 26-36.

Xiong, R., Spaccarotella, K., Quick, V., & Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2019). Generational differences: a comparison of weight-related  cognitions and behaviors of Generation X and Millennial mothers of preschool children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2431. 

Delaney, C., Spaccarotella, K., & Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2020).  A comparison of maternal health status and weight-related cognitions, behaviors and home environments by race/ethnicity. Nutrients, 12, 3592.

Delaney., C., Spaccarotella, K., & Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2021). A comparison of weight-related behaviors of Hispanic mothers and children by acculturation level. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2):503.

Geraldes, L. & Spaccarotella, K. (2021). Assessing electronic children's books for use with garden activities and nutrition education. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management, 45(1). 

Spaccarotella, K. & Gido, J. (2022). Food blogs to family meals: a brief evaluation of blogs as resources for home cooking during COVID-19.CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 40(5), 350-355.

Spaccarotella, K., & Afoakwah, E. (2022). The effects of flavonoids on oral health. Dimensions of Dental Health, August, 34-37.

Spaccarotella, K., Wheeler, B., & Mishra, S. (2023). “Energize your life” virtually: lessons learned from online gardening workshops, Natural Sciences Education, 52e;20107, https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20107.

Mishra, S, Spaccarotella, K, Gido, J, Samanta, I, and Chowdhary, G. (2023). Effects of heat stress on plant-nutrient relations: an update on nutrient uptake, transport, and assimilation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, 15670. DOI: 10.3390/ijms242115670. 

Spaccarotella, K, Mishra, S and Healy, L. (2024). Use of interactive food labels to increase confidence in preparing produce among college students. Nutrients, 16(15), 2507. DOI: 10.3390/nu16152507.


Spaccarotella, K.  Carbohydrates and fiber in health and disease.  Guest lecture presented at The Pennsylvania State University, Nutrition 100 class, May 2006.

Spaccarotella, K.  Walnut intake in prostate and vascular health.  Guest lecture presented at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, February 28, 2007.

Spaccarotella, K.  Developing printed materials for nutrition education.  Guest lecture presented at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, March 1, 2007.

Spaccarotella, K.  DRIs, RDIs, and Food Labeling.  Guest lecture presented at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, March 30, 2007.

Spaccarotella, K. Tech-Savvy Nutrition for Health Classes.  Lecture presented at the NJAHPERD Annual Convention, East Brunswick, NJ, February 26, 2008.

Spaccarotella, K., and Knezek, C. (April, 2014). Use of item analysis and online pre-/post-testing for assessment in general biology. Abstract and poster presented at Research Days, Kean University, Union, NJ.

Spaccarotella, K, & Ihionkhan, E. (April, 2014).  Web surfing for science: investigating college students’ abilities to evaluate web-based health and science articles and use the scientific method to write lab reports. Abstract and poster presented at Research Days, Kean University, Union, NJ.

Lewis, V, Baxter, V, Spaccarotella, K, & Andzel, W. (April, 2015).  College students’ knowledge of recovery beverage serving sizes. Abstract and poster presented at Research Days, Kean University, Union, NJ.

Garcia, A., Cerna, S., Lewis, S., & Spaccarotella, K. (April, 2016). Availability of nutrition resources for students and professionals in sports medicine and fitness. Abstract and poster presented at Research Days, Kean University, Union, NJ.

Barco, D., James, K., & Spaccarotella, K. (April, 2016).  Review of resources for and barriers to nutrition in medical education. Abstract and poster presented at Research Days, Kean University, Union, NJ.

Casimir, M., Cruz, R., Bolton, K., Breen, E., Phan, J., Johnston, E. & Spaccarotella, K. Developing a web-based learning experience among future health and sports science professionals.  (April, 2018).  Abstract and poster presented at Research Days, Kean University, Union NJ.

Calvache, C, and Spaccarotella, K. 2020. Evaluating lunch bags to determine if they meet food safety guidelines. Poster presentation at Kean University Research Days, Union, NJ.


Afoakwah, E, and Spaccarotella. 2020. Analyzing flavonoids in chocolate-based beverages. Oral presentation at Kean University Research Days, Union, NJ.


Magurno, B. 2020. Acute effects of exercise on balance confidence and physical functioning in older adults. Poster presentation at Kean University Research Days, Union, NJ.

Gido, J., King, A., Cid, S., Garcia, S., Patel, H., Patel, P., Rosales, R., and Spaccarotella, K. 2021. Food blogs to family meals: home cooking during COVID-19. Poster presentation at Kean University Research Days, Union, NJ.

Spaccarotella, K., Mongelli, M., and Mishra, S. 2023. Analysis of flavonoids in cocoa-based recovery beverages. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine’s Annual Meeting. 

Spaccarotella, K., and Mishra, S. 2024. Exploring catechin levels in powdered cocoa and chocolate milk: implications for recovery beverages. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine’s Annual Meeting.

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