"Thank you for the experiences, lessons, and growth. I could not have done this without you."
– Lauren Romano
"I wanted to congratulate you on your 16 over 61 award. Very well deserved. Your teachings stay with me."
– Johanna Sanders
"One of the best experiences I've had. Thoughtful and riveting."
– Burt Kimmelman
"One is immediately aware of the deep commitment to dialogue that [Dr. Klein] possesses and the sincere respect he holds for everyone he encounters. His queries and responses, typically leavened with playful humor, consistently convey concern for both the perspective and the well-being of others and the community as a whole. It is evident at every turn that he cares what people think, feel, and believe. There are exceedingly few researchers who could demonstrate such a consistent and sure-footed understanding of fundamental human dilemmas."
– Donald R. Marks
APPA-Certified Counselor, LLC
Dr. Dennis B. Klein
Philosophically informed dialogue for reflection, connection, transformation
I have opened an APPA-certified practice to support and advocate for my clients' effective and lasting renewal. Alerted by polls showing profound distress in a world that seems off-kilter and uncertain, my scope of practice is dedicated to freeing my clients from the limit-stories we tell ourselves - stories that rob our professions and other enterprises of gratification if not meaning. Its proven success is twofold – an inquisitive encounter for co-creation between counselor and client, and a dialogical encounter for transformative, applied-philosophical disclosure and alternatives. Sessions refocus attention from the mere prose of every day life, to exceptional values and virtues that prize the poetry of self-discovery, forgiveness, imagination, vitality, and being with others in the world.
Meaning surfaces in the decisions we sometimes make – We interrupt our routine to show concern for others in stressful situations; we carve out time from our schedules to volunteer and donate whenever we can. Or we find ourselves touched by "aha" moments that is often thematic in cultural expression. Bernard Hermann's evocative musical score "Scène d'amour" from Hitchcock's Vertigo is one example; another is an offhand remark from the 1945 movie The Scarlet Letter after the protagonist, played by Edward G. Robinson, hears a singing bird: "That's just how I feel." Because these sounds strike a chord within us, the moment becomes momentous. Decisions and experiences like these should, however, be more than occasional. They should define us. Are your decisions and experiences thematically meaningful?
Dialogue is what makes transformative counseling philosophical: Based on the Socratic method, it is the practice of counselor-client collaboration in a reciprocal search for understanding and self-realization ."Dialogue and conversation," Hubert Humphrey wrote, means "being passionately concerned with the people and the issues but tempering that passion with respect for those who [think] differently." s
Dr. Dennis B. Klein is a certified APPA practitioner and client advocate, professor emeritus of history and moral philosophy, and a member of the Affiliate Faculty at George Mason University's Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution. In addition, he is a Trust Network consulting partner and a former Board of Education trustee. He writes and speaks about transitions from looking backward for solace to looking forward, from inertia to inspired action.
I am available for counseling by appointment only. I prefer in-person consultation for clients in the NYC metro area but agree to meet clients online. To make an appointment, text me at 201-783-5393 or email me at dklein@inklein.org. My fees are $100 for 30 minutes and $150 for 60 minutes - half price for the first session. Please note that I do not accept insurance. For a 1-minute personal video introduction, click here.
Before we meet the first time -
> Remit Zelle payment to dklein@inklein.org
> Complete the Intake Questionnaire (see below)
> Read and sign the Consent Form (see below)
> Submit the Questionnaire and Consent Form to dklein@inklein.org
Intake Questionnailire
>Provide information about yourself in addition to your name and contact information (feel free to be selective) - your age, gender identity, religion, occupation, education, relationship status, physical and mental health status, any previous mental health diagnoses.
>In one paragraph, describe your reasons for wanting transitional counseling.
>In one paragraph, describe what you hope to gain.
Consent Form
Dennis Klein, Ph.D.
APPA certified counselor
Professor in history and moral philosophy
I am at least 18 years of age and voluntarily seek philosophically informed counseling from Dennis Klein, Ph.D. Though he is not licensed or trained as a therapist, Dr. Klein is a philosophically informed APPA-certified counselor for practice in New Jersey or in any other state. As his client I am free to seek his services on a continuous or intermittent basis; either I or Dr. Klein may stop treatment at any time without providing any reason for termination.
(2) My identity as a client will remain confidential with regard to any research publications and/or oral presentations of the contents of our consultations. Records in this study will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.
(3) Philosophically informed counseling is not a substitute for mental health counseling; it is an opportunity for dialogue, self-understanding, and accelerated transitions. As a client, I will therefore be asked to do the following: To discuss my issues with Dr. Klein, a philosophically oriented counselor, and to answer relevant questions to the best of my ability.
(4) If Dr. Klein determines that my issues are not primarily philosophical ones, or that they should not be addressed in the first place through philosophical counseling, then he will advise me for alternative professional consultation.
(5) Dr. Klein will assist me in coming to terms with my issues. He will not determine what I should or should not do, and will make no choices for me. Rather, he will help me to clarify the implications of my possible choices.
(6) The following benefits are expected to result from the counseling process:
(i) Minimally, the client should gain a deeper understanding of his or her issues.
(ii) Maximally, the client should feel more empowered to cope with or to resolve said issues.
(7) No risks are expected to result from the counseling process.
(8) Whenever sessions are conducted online or by phone, I understand the following -
(i) that I initiate telecounseling sessions with information for contact provided by Dr. Klein;
(ii) that failure to connect or in the event of a disconnection during a session, I will try to reconnect within 10 minutes or, failing that, will contact Dr. Klein to schedule a new session time;
(iii) that telecounseling requires familiarity with the online format;
(iv) that telecounseling does not provide emergency services and, should I require urgent care that I go to a treatment facility, call 911 for help, or call 211 for a national helpline;
(v) that telecounseling is not entirely secure and that Dr. Klein, in spite of his commitment to the strictest confidence, is not responsible should any outside party breach security and discover personal or confidential information.
(vi) that, should Dr. Klein believe that telecounseling is not in my best interest, he will suggest alternative options better suited to my needs.
(9) The fee for the initial consultation, and for subsequent consultations, is $100 (USD) per 30 minute session and $150 (USD) per 50-minute session, payment in advance via PayPal. The client is not required to have a PayPal account.
(10) I understand that I will be billed at the full session rate if I miss an appointment without providing at least 24 hours notice. Cancellation without notice will require pre-payment for subsequent sessions.
(11) I understand that sessions will not commence until I email this fully completed form to Dr. Klein along with my responses to the Intake Questionnaire accessible (see above) or emailed to me beforehand, about myself and my reasons for seeking to enter into philosophically informed counseling.
(12) In the event of any dispute, be it related to fees or treatment, I agree to mediation and will not commence an action in a court of law.
I understand the foregoing information about the counselor's responsibilities and about my expectations. All preliminary questions that I asked were answered to my satisfaction.
Client's Printed Name
Client’s Signature Date
Email Cell phone Preferred method of contact