WJHS art students participate in a student art show at the Barn Gallery

In May the Barn Gallery in Ogunquit held its 46th annual season opening.  Just days before that the 44th Annual Student Art Show was exhibiting a variety of student artwork submitted by several area art teachers.  During a reception for the one-day show on May 10th, family members of the young artists, teachers, and others viewed exhibits from York schools, Wells-Ogunquit (WJHS only), and Berwick Academy.

According to Shannon Petrie, an art teacher at Wells Junior High School, students there contributed a wide variety of artwork this year including agamographs, “an art form that uses optical illusion to create an image.”

“In the art show…there were self-portrait projects, clay slab mugs, hollow vessel clay animals, pencil drawings, papier mache, Greek vases, and projects based on art history from prehistoric times to ancient (Greece),” listed Petrie.   There were 442 fifth through eighth-grade students in the WJHS Art program this school year.  “And I see all of them at some point during the year,” added Petrie. “I am very proud of my students for the work they did!” 

Over the past forty-four years, thousands of southern York County students have exhibited drawings, paintings, photographs, mixed media, sculptures, and much more in this show at the Barn Gallery, the home of the 96-year-old Ogunquit Arts Association (OAA).  The stated mission of the OAA is “to educate and enlighten the seacoast community by nurturing, supporting, and presenting art by the OAA and other local fine artists.”

Deidre O’Flaherty is the president of the Ogunquit Arts Collaborative (OAC) which operates the Barn Gallery.  O’Flaherty believes this show can provide insight and inspiration to students who attend and experience the work of many other students there.  O’Flaherty has observed that this event often provides a first-time experience for many who have never been to an art gallery before.  

It was art teachers and artists O’Flaherty in York and Sandy Brennan formerly at Wells Elementary School who, along with their colleagues, planned and set up the first student art exhibit at the Barn Gallery in 1980.

Constructed in 1959, the Barn Gallery is located at the corner of Shore Road and Bourne Lane in Ogunquit.  It is operated by the volunteer members of the Ogunquit Arts Collaborative including manager and artist Hara Harding.   FMI call 207-646-8400.             

An example of an agamograph by WJHS 5th-grade student Dani Clay

A self-portrait in acrylic by WJHS 8th-grade student Liam Burk