*** Click here to complete the beginning of the year parent survey!****

Team Study and Help Sessions

The pathfinder team teachers want you to be successful! Therefore, we have team study sessions where you can come in to get extra practice and help with the core subject(s) of your choice. No appointment needed! Just show up at the approved time and location!

--- After school

--- Tuesdays and Thursdays

--- 3:50-4:15

  Weekly Assignments

Each week we will update what we plan to do in class. This list is tentative, but it will give you an idea of what you can expect. If you are gone, check here to see what you missed, but also stop in and talk to the teacher when you are back to school. Daily details are also posted in Schoology, which can be found by logging into Classlink.

--- Weekly Assignments (Click Here)

--- Classlink Login Info:

     Username: Initials and four digits from email (ex: Jh1234)

    Password: Same password used to log into Chromebook, which is initials, lunch #, and birth year (ex: Jh1234561985)

Memorial Middle School Website

There is an endless amount of information on the MMS blogspot! Be sure to bookmark this website to find LOTS of helpful information.

--- http://www.sf1401.blogspot.com

 Infinite Campus

Sign into Infinite Campus to check your grades. If you are not able to log in, please stop down to the counseling office to ask them to reset your password. Be aware, if you enter the wrong password three times, it locks you out. So do not try too many times!