
What's your angle?

An exploration in Trigonometry


If you've reached the top of Cowles Mountain, you're in the right place. You'll be seeing some Trigonometry on the SAT, so I thought it'd be nice to give you a little head start. This little WebQuest will guide you through the fundamentals, and help you understand just how it's used in real life.

Step 1 Where did this stuff begin?

Print out the Trigonometry History Worksheet and answer the ten questions using the Historian links provided. YOU MAY HAVE TO HUNT FOR SOME OF THE ANSWERS! Get help from fellow black belts to finish it.


history of trig


derivation of words


more words

Learning Trigonometry is as simple as SOHCAHTOA. Never heard of that? Watch this

Step 2 Become an Expert

Go to www.heymath.com Username: Htdthoene Password: sensei

Go to lessons, 8th grade mathematics, Algebra II, Trigonometry ratios. These are the important topics you'll need to know:

  • Intro to Trig ratios

  • Angle of elevation

  • Angle of depression

  • Sine Rule

  • Cosine Rule

If you can't access Heymath because you don't have flash watch these videos:

Trig ratios

Angle of elevation and depression

Law of sines

Law of Cosines

Some other help on these topics can be found here:


http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/trig/ http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/trig/


Step 3 You must now practice your skills...grasshopper

Then see if your skills can defeat this packet

You're not truly a master until you understand the Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines.

Try these practice problems next.

Step 4 What does this have to do with real life?

  • Finally, give 3 examples of other real world applications of trigonometry, and come up with your own problem; complete with an illustration and steps to your solution.

Trigonometry in various careers

Trigonometry for the average joe

  • Then complete this 8 problem challenge.

  • Once you've completed everything, turn it into me to prove you're ready to take the Sensei Belt test