Classroom Policies

World Languages Common Policies and Procedures: 2023 / 2024 


A. General Procedures and Rules:  Each day I expect students to show up to class on time, prepared, ready

to learn and to actively participate. This means you will need to bring a 3-ring binder with separator tabs and paper, pencil, a highlighter and be ready to learn. Passing periods are times for you to go to your locker and take care of other things that need to be addressed, you will not be allowed to leave the room except for emergencies, medical reasons, or parent excused absences. This is an academic environment:  Profanity is not allowed.


B. Seating Assignments: Free seating to begin the year. This is a privilege and not a right, so make sure your behavior is respectful and conducive to learning (free seating can be revoked). If you are not in a seat when the bell rings you will be considered tardy.  The target language will be spoken by the teacher and you as we progress in the year.  You will be expected to stay on task and complete all assignments.  


C. Cell Phones/Ear Buds are NOT allowed.  Put phone in the phone hangar. The first two times I will confiscate it/them, it will be documented in Infinite Campus, and you may collect it at  the end of the day.  The third time parents or guardians will be notified, and you will receive detention.  I have a zero-tolerance policy for any disrespect to the learning environment, to other students and myself or any defiance of the class rules.  


D. EHS dress code policy: The Board of Education and EHS recognize that responsibility for the dress and appearance of students generally rests with students and their parents, and that students may wish to express themselves by the manner of their dress. Students shall not, however, wear clothing 

or affect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities/events that is or will be disruptive to the educational environment. Students also shall 

not wear clothing or affect an appearance that compromises a safe environment. Although dress is a matter of self-expression and is influenced by 

weather and fashion trends, certain items and styles are not acceptable for fostering a positive and professional learning environment.


Clothing that is overly revealing should not be worn at school. The open midriff, back, chest, or buttocks should not be exposed. Shirts/tops must have 

a strap over each shoulder. Also, not allowed are:


1. Visible undergarments (when in normal posture, sitting or standing)

2. Clothing that has a derogatory message

3. Clothing that promotes, suggests, or depicts violence

4. Clothing with lewd images or messages

5. Clothing that displays drugs, alcohol, or illegal activity

6. Any item that could be an endangerment or used as a weapon (i.e., spikes and chains)

7. Bare feet

8. No hats nor hoods covering heads during Spanish class.


Personal exceptions to these rules may be made based on students' needs or private situations.  

Please come speak to me privately about any concerns or questions you have.  


E. Assignments: ALL assignments/announcements are posted to Google Classroom daily: if absent, please check to get missed work/instruction/announcement(s).


F. Absences:  Students are expected to follow the district’s policy on absences.  If the student has an excused absence, they have two days for every excused day to make up the work.  After two days (example, if you are absent on a Monday, and something was due, it is due on Thursday).  A general synopsis of what we did that day can be found in Google Classroom.  If you miss class, some copies of the assignments are located there, others are in 

the classroom. Complete any missing work and turn it in within the districts allotted two days.  Warmups can only be made up for points on absences 

that are excused; warmups- they are in the daily Google Classroom for your class, you need to make them up for credit.  The student needs to come 

speak with me before/after class for any added materials or assignments, or questions pertaining to their missed days.    


G. Unexcused Absence:  If the absence is unexcused, the student will have two days to make up the work at most a 20% grade reduction as per district policy on the classwork.  If you are unexcused, you may not make up the warmup for credit.


H. Attendance:  Sick during school: must go to clinic and they will release you from there if needed.

                             Early release: parents need to call in by 3:00 pm 

                             Attendance Phone Line: 303-982-5041


Attendance is taken during the warmup activity.  To be counted as present and on time, you will need to answer the warmup within the first five minutes 

of classThree tardies will earn you: a lunch detention, suspension of free time or name added to “no pass list”.


I. Late work:  Any late work that you wish to receive credit for must be turned in no later than two weeks from the assigned due date.  Late work is an automatic grade reduction of 50%.  After two weeks, no credit given for the missing assignment.  


J. Academic Honesty:  Evergreen High School takes this topic very seriously. Offenders are liable to the consequences mentioned below.  Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, copying a classmate's work (we can see/trace when you are sharing google docs), and use 

or evidence of an online translator such as google translate.  Any students engaging in academic dishonesty will be subject to the steps mentioned below.  


K. Concerns:  We understand that the expectation is to learn in a new environment and are very concerned about your grade and your success. We are too!  However, it is very important that you do your own work.  We want to see what you can do with the information that you have learned; not what Google, 

a friend or another person has told you.  You may look up a word, but a whole sentence or phrase is not acceptable.  Spanish doesn’t translate correctly.  You may use; it is a dictionary site.  


L. Academic Dishonesty: 

First, if we suspect academic dishonesty, we will contact you and ask you about the work we are questioning.  This includes in person and online work.  

Then we will proceed with the best course of action depending on the situation.  However, teachers are required to follow the steps outlined in the 

student handbook.


1: First offense of cheating / copying no matter how or small student(s) earn a zero on the assignment, the teacher MUST write about it in the contact log 

of administrator’s conference in Infinite Campus with the headline of Academic Dishonesty #1, and the teacher must contact the parents or guardian 

about the incident.

2: On the second offense the teacher MUST do the same thing only put the heading Academic Dishonesty #2 and the teacher must contact the admin who will contact the parents/ guardians.  The teacher will not contact the parents.

3: On the third offense the teacher will contact the administrator and write up the offense in the Admin Conference, and the student will be suspended, 

and the offense will be communicated to the colleges if the student is a senior.


Things that might make us question your academic integrity:

1:  Use of vocabulary words we haven’t learned or are not part of the curriculum.

2:  Use of grammatical structures we haven’t learned at your level.

3: When the work has a dark shade behind it, (we can see that it has been cut and pasted).

4:  When you use the same verbiage as another classmate and you shouldn’t be, i.e., an opinion piece.

5:  When you have words or phrases that are mistranslated. 

(The above-mentioned infractions are some but not all the ways you indicate to us you are using an outside source such as a translator). 


When learning a foreign language, we need you to use what we give you and tell you, so you are learning everything in the correct order.  

Each unit builds on each other. 

We like to chunk information by topic/grammar so your brain can connect the usage. 


M. Grading Scale:

Homework: 15%

Classwork and Participation/ Projects: 35%

Assessments: 35%

Final Exam: 15%


N. Assessments:  Tests (announced per unit), quizzes, and the semester finals at end of each semester (cumulative): Writing, Speaking and Multiple choice (scores are 15% of semester grade).  


O. Curriculum: Units of study for Spanish I & II