Office Hours: 7:45am-8:15am
Period 1: AP Biology
Period 2: Biology
Period 3: Biology
Period 4: Biology
Period 5: Biology
Period 6: Biology
7th Hour/Office Hours
Voice Mail: 303-982-2648
Darren Ray
I am excited to be starting my ninth year at D'Evelyn, teaching Biology and AP Biology. I taught in Jeffco for 16 years prior to joining the D'Evelyn faculty. I am stoked to be on such a superstar team of science teachers! We have some new additions to the Science Team, so I will need to update the photo to the left!
I typically spend a lot of time riding bikes during the Summer and engaging in other outdoor activities.
Old Fall River road in RMNP.
Full Moon ride on Mt. Evans. This photo was taken at midnight.