About Us

Imagine a church where you can check out Jesus and seek answers to your spiritual questions, completely without pressure. Imagine a church where the dress is casual, the message is relevant and you can be as anonymous as you want. James City Community Church is a place designed to help you in your spiritual journey. Check out what makes JC3 so different. One visit could change your life.

9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Morning Service

Our style of worship is casual, creative and alive. You will experience a wonderful blend of music, modern dramas and video clips interwoven throughtout the service to enhance your understanding of the message.

Serving Williamsburg and Surrounding Areas

Take time out of your busy schedule and join us for a weekend service. You will be glad you did!

The Calendar link will show you our events and we have also provided some links to online study resources under Growing to Maturity.