Jan 10, 2023 virtual chapter meeting


6:00 to 6:15 PM - Chapter Updates

6:15 to 7:30 PM - Presentation and Q&A: "DDoS on the World Stage", by Richard Hummel

7:30 to 8:00 PM: Member Round Table 

Speaker: DDoS on the World Stage


DDoS Attacks continue to bombard organizations at a staggering rate with no apparent end in sight. More than half of the countries in the world see an attack daily and between five and ten percent of every active network are on the receiving end of an attack. These attacks range from volumetric with dozens of different attack vectors to direct botnet-based attacks consuming internet bandwidth and disrupting vital operations everywhere by taking down key services and systems.

As the world continues to become even more interconnected digitally, adversaries evolve and ramp up operations to target emergent critical infrastructure like satellite telecommunications and web-conferencing tools that make a distributed, remote workforce and education possible. Meanwhile, hacktivists and nation-states escalated usage of DDoS as a geopolitical tool to sow confusion, degrade morale, and prevent access to important online assets. Join NETSCOUT as we walk through the latest trends in Adaptive DDoS Attacks and Defense to learn about the threat landscape and how best to defend your organizations.

About the speaker: 

Richard Hummel has over a dozen years of experience in the intelligence field and is currently the Threat Intelligence Research Lead for NETSCOUT's ASERT Research Team. Previously, he served as Manager and Principal Analyst on the FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence’s Financial Gain team. He began his career as a Signals Intelligence Analyst with the United States Army. During the course of his service he became certified in Digital Network Intelligence and supported multiple operations overseas including a deployment to Iraq.

After departing from the Army as an enlisted soldier, he began contracting work as a Computer Network Operations analyst in support of the Army. During his tenure as a contractor, he developed many methods and procedures for conducting Cyber Discovery and trained analysts at Army INSCOM HQ's. At FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence, he led a team of technical analysts in the tracking, reporting, and analysis of various cyber crime related malware families. 

Where: online Zoom meeting

When: Jan 10, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time

Zoom URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkc-qorj8rE9CFj2iQOSLAlNGntvrRauk7 

Calendar: Google Calendar or scan QR code image

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