Our Team


Please click on our names to see our Google Sites

STUDENT SERVICES CHECK IN FORM: Please fill out during school hours if you would like a check in from Student Services

To reach us, please call the main Crone phone line at 630-428-5600 and type in our extensions listed below

Morgan Crackel - Student Services Coordinator

        morgan_crackel@ipsd.org, ext. 86538

Jacob Heilicser - School Counselor, Student Last Names A-L

jacob_heilicser@ipsd.org ext. 86522

Allison Geers - School Counselor, Student Last Names M-Z 

allison_geers@ipsd.org  ext. 86521

Chasta Moore - School Social Worker 

        chasta_moore@ipsd.org  ext. 86539

Brian K. Willis Jr. - School Social Worker

brian_willis@ipsd.org ext. 86320

Jennie Mevoli - School Psychologist

jennie_mevoli@ipsd.org  ext. 86523

Svetlana Concannon - Interventionist

svetlana_concannon@ipsd.org  ext. 54149

Kim Smiley - Speech and Language

Kim_Smiley@ipsd.org  ext. 54188

Ann Weinstock - ESl Teacher

ann_weinstock@ipsd.org  ext. 54194

Melissa Martinez - ESL Teacher

melissa_martinez@ipsd.org ext. 54232