Welcome to 6th Grade!
We will have 2 field trips this year. Parents - please be aware of the new background check/fingerprint requirement that needs to be done ASAP if you want to volunteer or chaperone this school year (see Pasco County School site for more information at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer )
Dec 13 - Treehoppers - zip lines for our Force and Motion Science Unit
April 25 -(about $15, more info to come) Crystal Springs - Great activities for our Classification Science Unit and a Service Learning Project
Upcoming Dates:
Jan 10 - last day of Quarter 2 (moved because of hurricanes)
Jan 13 - Teacher Planning Day (no school for students)
Jan 17 - Report Cards available on myStudent
Jan 20 - Martin Luther King Day - no school
*This website contains the weekly homework calendar and each teacher has a subject page with info and links to important sites
*REMIND (see below for info on how to join) quick text reminders and announcements
*Imagine Newsletter and Announcements (whole school newsletter from Ms. Kilmer) https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/i0UsZup/2324
*myStudent - Pasco County's gradebook (available 24/7)
*EMAIL - please see bottom of this page for our email addresses
GOOGLE CLASSROOM: how to sign in from home...
To login to Google Classroom, you must FIRST login to google.com with your Imagine email and password. (You may be signed in with your personal email already, so you will need to "add another account" the first time or click on your imaginelandolakes.org account after that) You should click on the upper right corner of your screen to do this.
Imagine email: firstname.lastname@imaginelandolakes.org
Password: initials and lunch number (initials are capital letters, no spaces)
Then you can go to Google Classroom. (DO NOT try to go directly to Google Classroom without signing in to google.com first, it will not work)
WANT to help or chaperone?
Please click the link below to fill out the Pasco County Volunteer form to be permitted into classrooms and to chaperone on field trips.
New requirements for ALL volunteers/chaperones per Pasco https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer
Check out the different communication tools below that we offer to keep you in the loop!
Imagine Land O'Lakes http://www.imaginelandolakes.org/ (sign up for newsletter)
https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/i0UsZup/2324 (sign up for the Imagine newsletter)
This will connect you to our 6th grade text reminder account
Enter number 81010
text this message
myStudent Gradebook
6th Grade Team * Imagine School at Land O' Lakes * (813) 428-7444
Language Arts/Reading: montana.nix@imaginelandolakes.org
History: Leah.Corbett@imaginelandolakes.org
Science: Deborah.Corbett@imaginelandolakes.org