

Dr. habil. Réka M. Cristian, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of American Studies

Institute of English & American Studies

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Szeged, Hungary

Former Chair of Department (2014.06.31-2023.06.31.)

Founding Member of the Inter-American Research Center


Founding Editor-in-Chief

AMERICANA e-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 




Office: H-6722 Szeged, Petőfi sgt. 30-34.

Mail address: H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

Tel/fax. 36-62-544-259

E-mail: cristian@lit.u-szeged.hu


Research Areas:

Modern American literature and American modernism

Theories of American Studies

Film theory and the American film

Cross-cultural exchanges of the Americas in American literature and film

Areas and Topics of Supervision:

BA Level

Modern American drama;

Film theories (auteur, gender, Third Cinemas) and the American film

Identity and Native American literatures in the U.S.

Identity and Latinx literatures in the U.S.

The Sixites in the U.S.

MA Level

Modern American drama and its film adaptations

Postcolonial theories and modern American literature

Film theories and the American film

Cross-cultural exchanges of the Americas in modern and contemporary American literature

Cross-cultural exchanges of the Americas in the American film

Body semiotics in modern and contemporary American culture

PhD Level

American drama and theater

American modernism

Theories of American Studies

Film theories and the American film