Belle Sherman Library

Online Reading Resources


Click to access e-books & audiobooks

Logging in to Sora and Epic Instructions

Tumble Books

eBooks for Kids

Epic Books

eBooks for Kids

Flipster - Digital Magazines

Belle Sherman Elementary School has two buildings with a library in each building. Our libraries include:

  • Collections strong in multicultural areas

  • Multiple copies of books for group use

  • Clusters of computers with Internet access

  • A Chromebook Lab

  • Online library catalogs

Children may use the libraries at any time convenient with their classroom program. Their instructional library program is integrated with their classroom program. Kindergarten and first grade students borrow books for one week; second to fifth grade student borrow books for two weeks.Families can create accounts to check out books; please see Kaitlin Bryant or Cheryl Smith if you are interested.

Teacher Librarian

Kaitlin Bryant


Library Clerk

Cheryl Smith