
Please note: These links are provided as a service to members of the Iowa City Kickers Soccer Club and soccer fans everywhere. While Kickers has made every effort to review the sites before publishing these links, we have no control over their future content. If you find content that is inappropriate or is inconsistent with our mission statement, please notify us immediately.

Iowa Soccer -

University of Iowa Soccer Program

National Alliance for Youth Sports -

This National Alliance for Youth Sports site is directed towards adults involved in youth sports wanting to encourage recreational team participation for children. The site clearly states the need for strong, trained youth sports administrators, coaches, and parents if we are to provide a positive sports experience for our children. The site provides training opportunities for all levels of involved adults as well as ethical standards for working with young athletes. -

Sportsparents encourages proper behavior from parents in order to support your child's progress in recreational sports as well as to communicate with the coach. The site brings clear and informative examples to illustrate how coaches view parents, how kids view parents and how you can think through your own actions on the sidelines. The site also advises coaches on how to positively address parents in order to modify their behavior. -

This site contains an “Interactive youth soccer on-line magazine, as well as a section on training tips and resources.

American Youth Soccer Organization -

This site is the official one for The American Youth Soccer Organization. . is a parents code included in the parents section of this site.

Youth Sport Institute at Mich. St. -

This is the site for the Youth Sport Institute at Michigan State. On this site you’ll find information on soccer coaching handbooks, discussion lists, theoretical information on the psychology of youth sport, and links to other sites.

Positive Coaching Alliance -

This is the home site for the Positive Coaching Alliance. It contains information on workshops (they are all located at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California) as well as a “toolbox” with a lot of valuable information for parents, coaches, and administrators.

Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace -

Sports: When Winning is the Only Thing, Can Violence Be Far Away? We can't say enough about this web site. It is an excellent site for all ages and we could all learn a lot from it. It contains a three Fair Play Codes: one for parents, one for coaches, and one for players.

A Coaches Guide to First Aid -