High School of Fashion Industries Library

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Contact your school librarian!

Thomas Knowlton
Room 501

email: tknowlton4@schools.nyc

Apply for your
Brooklyn Library Card!

Digital Library Card Application: https://disc.bklynlibrary.org/ecard/

Or start your application for a
physical library card at: https://disc.bklynlibrary.org/card/

And pick up your new card at any Brooklyn Public Library location:

Apply for your New York
Public Library Card!

Digital Library Card Application: https://www.nypl.org/library-card/personal?newCard=true

Or you can visit any one of the New York Public Library locations in The Bronx, Manhattan, or Staten Island to apply for a physical card: nypl.org/locations/directory

Apply for your
Queens Library

Digital Library Card Application: https://www.queenslibrary.org/get-a-card/eUser

Or you can visit a Queens Library location to apply for a physical card: queenslibrary.org/about-us/locations