December 4, 2017

Post date: Dec 4, 2017 7:00:19 AM

Kindness Rocks

Check out our Kindness Rocks in the Holy Family Learning Garden! The kids painted and decorated rocks with positive messages and placed them in the garden. People who are in need of a little inspiration can take a rock and share in its message.

Writing Inspiration

Ginny McCauley, senior at Xavier College and former Holy Family student, visited our classroom and enlisted our help in writing a children's book for her senior project. I'm sure my animated students provided an abundance of ideas for her!

Autumn Woods Service Project

The first and second graders thoroughly delighted the elderly audience at Autumn Woods Health Care Campus! Residents especially loved the song, "Twelve Days of Christmas and enjoyed talking with the children after their performance. Several students pictured above presented cards to my very own grandmother!

Christmas Program

Students should wear Christmas clothing attire to school on Thursday, December 14th for the day performance. Please report to the classroom by 6:40 p.m. for the evening performance of the Christmas Program.

Reminder: Each guest will be required to present a ticket to be admitted to the day performance of the Christmas program. (Tickets were previously sent home in the Wednesday envelope.)

Turkeys in Disguise


14 - Christmas Program 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

15 - Classroom Christmas Party

15 - End of 2nd Quarter/Non-Uniform Day

18-19 - Make-Up Days (If Needed)


02 - School Resumes

15 - No School - MLK Day - Teacher Inservice

27 - Mandatory First Communion Family Faith Formation

27 - Rite of Enrollment Mass 5:00 p.m.

28 - Catholic Schools Week Begins / HF Open House


02 - Special Persons Family Mass 8:00 a.m.

18 - Holy Family Gala Auction

Secret Word:

What time do you report to the classroom for the evening performance of the Christmas Program?