
¡Bienvenidos a Español!

Course Objective:

Spanish 3

Learning a new language may be intimidating but if you are open to making mistakes and willing to participate you will see how quickly you begin to learn! Spanish 3 is designed to help develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, using vocabulary and grammatical structures. By the end of the year you should be able to speak about about the past, present and future as well as express desires, interests and opinions.

Spanish 4 Honors

This is an Honors level course focused on the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, using varied vocabulary and advanced grammatical structures.  Speak Spanish as often as you can and read in Spanish.  Be willing to make mistakes and have fun with the language!

Spanish 5 AP 

Build your proficiency with authentic materials, including films, news broadcasts, newspaper or magazine articles, and contemporary literature.  Learn to express yourself in different ways and tailor your arguments to various audiences.  This class is conducted in Spanish and all students are expected to speak Spanish during class. 


Google Classroom is already linked to the students' email account.  This allows them to access everything from their Google Drive and to use the Spanish Google Classroom seamlessly.  Students are given a special code for in order to join my Spanish class.  We will be using Google Classroom as a way to provide a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions via blogs and receive classroom information.  Please check your account on a regular basis!


You will be asked to record yourself using Google Voice.  This is a tool used to easily record and assess your pronunciation and oral communication.  I am able to access the recordings through the Internet.  It is completely private, free, and the recordings are sent to my Google Voice account.  You may use your cell phone or home phone to create these recordings.  This Google Voice phone line is for student use only and you will not be communicating with me via my private cell or home number.  

Class Information

Extra help with Sra. Taylor will be C day after school and D day during unit lunch. 

Teacher: Sra. Taylor

School: Holmdel High School

Location: Room 903

