K-1   Library

Welcome to the K/1 Library at Village School.  This library opened in September of 2004 to be utilized by the 1st Grade, Kindergarten, Special needs, and Pre-school children.  

   The goals of the Village K/1 Library are to support the school's curriculum, to create an exciting environment that encourages children to become life-long learners, and to assist the members of the school community in becoming effective users of information.       

Ebooks/audio Books are here! 

Log in to your Clever dashboard and look for MackinVia symbol or https://holmdelschools.mackinvia.com/   

 Nonfiction Section

 Pirate Cove Reading 


 A book is a dream 

that you hold in your hands.

Neil Gaiman

The book is a film that takes place

in the mind of the reader.

That's why we go to movies and say,

"Oh, the book is better."

Paulo Coelho

If you only read the books that everyone else

is reading, you can only think

what everyone else is thinking.

Haruki Murakami