Reformation Resources

The links below are organized by unit topic/chapter and by activity where applicable. Be mindful of the use of headings and subheadings

Ch. 31: The Reformation Begins


Transparency 31 A

Transparency 31B

Image: Luther Before the Diet of Worms

Chapter 31.1 and 31.2 Cornell Notes

Chapter 31.3 Outline Notes

Chapter 31.4 Outline Notes

Chapter 31.5 Outline Notes

Videos & Websites

Video: Western Schism

Johann Tetzel Prezi

Video: Early Reformers

Video: The Protestant Reformation Explained

Crash Course World History: Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Crash Course World History: Charles V and the Holy Roman Empire

Khan Academy: The Protestant Reformation

History Channel Reformation Video Clips

Mr. Corwin: The Protestant Reformation

95 Theses Rap Video

Reformation Unit Quizlet

Ch. 32: The Spread & Impact of the Reformation


Church Collage Directions

Chapter 32 Sections 2-4 Outline Notes

Chapter 32 Sections 5 & 6 Outline Notes

G.O. for CCR Prezi


CCR Video w/ Q's G.O.

Sum it Up GO for Tom Richey Mini-lecture on CCR

Annotated Arrows Directions and G.O.

Annotated Arrows EXAMPLE

Map: Results of the Thirty Years War

Practice Vocab Quiz KEY

Websites & Videos

Catholic Counter Reformation Clip: The Cultural Approach

The Protestant Reformation Explained: Hip Hughes History Video Clip

Tom Richey Mini-Lecture: The Thirty Years War

Short Protestant Reformation Clips from the History Channel

Catholic Counter Reformation Prezi

Video: English Reformation (Church of England)

Reformation Unit Quizlet

Council of Holliston Resources

The Anglican Church

Henry VIII Founds the Anglican Church

The English Reformation (Anglicans) BBC

Video: Tom Richey Mini-lecture: Anglicanism

The Calvinist Church

John Calvin Resources

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Calvin

Calvinism (Audio)

One Man Finds the Silver Lining in Calvinism

Video: Tom Richey Mini-Lecture: Calvinism

The Lutheran Church

Martin Luther Resources

Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Martin Luther

Video: Tom Richey Mini-Lecture: Lutheranism

Video: Martin Luther, the 95 Theses, and the Birth of the Protestant Reformation

The Roman Catholic Church

The Council of Trent (Plus Links to Three Sessions)

Thoughts on St. Teresa of Avila

The Sessions of the Council Trent

How Successful Was the Council of Trent?

Tom Richey Mini-lecture: The Catholic Counter Reformation

Khan Academy: The Counter Reformation