
Tools for Learning

Welcome to the Assistive Technology Network

The Holliston Assistive Technology Network is dedicated to expanding the accessibility and knowledge of the tools, resources and technology we currently have in our schools. These tools: devices, equipment, websites, software programs and services, support our students in their learning process.

Assistive Technology is used to bypass, work around or compensate for learning difficulties by focusing on strengths (what someone can do) rather than on their weaknesses (what they cannot do).

What is UDL?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational approach to teaching, learning, and assessment that guides instructors to reach and teach all learners by utilizing flexible instructional materials, techniques, and strategies.

The UDL Guidelines are organized according to the three main principles of UDL:

Representation - Engagement - Expression

Using a Universal Design for Learning approach this website serves as a resource for you to explore and select AT tools which will provide all of your students with a continuum of services. Identify the right AT tools for your student's specific needs

"A universally designed curriculum is designed from the outset to meet the needs of the greatest number of users, making costly, time-consuming, and after-the-fact changes to curriculum unnecessary"

(Center for Applied Special Technologies, www.cast.org