
Big Idea and/or Essential Questions: How can I support my persuasive argument through the use of research based evidence and authoritative claims?

What Am I Learning today? You will learn how to use the databases to find information supporting your argument. You will learn how to create annotations to show the authority of your sources. You will learn how to create citations and notecards in NoodleTools.

Why is it important? Your argument is much more effective when it is supported by authoritative research.

How Will I know I’ve learned it?

You will successfully use the databases, books, and internet sources to find authoritative information to support your persuasive argument. You will successfully use NoodleTools to create an annotated bibliography of these sources. You will successfully use NoodleTools to create an outline and note cards using information from these sources.

Day 1: Finding sources, using NoodleTools to create citations, and how to create an annotated bibliography

1. Learn how to evaluate sources and cite them using NoodleTools

2. Use Clever to research your topic in the databases. Issues and Controversies and Gale are the best databases to start with. Find at least one article with an overview of the whole issue, one article supporting your side of the issue, and one article opposing your side of the issue.

3. Learn how to write brief annotations.

You should have at least 3 articles printed and cited in Noodle Tools by the end of class. Read through them and highlight/take notes on anything you find important.

Before Day 2:

1. Write brief annotations for all of the sources you have found so far.

2. Continue to research your topic.

Remember, you are looking for evidence to support your side of the issue.

Day 3. Notecards and outlines.

1. Today you will create notecards in Noodle Tools to help you organize your research. Each notecard should contain one thought or idea – a few sentences at the most! Learning to paraphrase is an important part of creating notecards.

2. Creating an outline is a way for you to organize and sort your notecards.

When you start your project, don't forget to include in-text citations!