Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!

Welcome to 8th Grade U.S. History!! I am so excited to be your teacher this year! Let's have fun, think, support each other and learn together!! Remember, "Be here. Be you. Belong. " (Brene Brown) Ms. Torello

Choice Activities Website I am working on this to clean it up. U.S. Geography is good to go.

I have been at Crocker for over 25 years social studies and English. I am very excited to bring my love of history and teaching writing and critical thinking to 8th Grade United States History. I hope you will become engaged in the study of history and reflect on the ways in which historical figures and events/accomplishments/problems of the past are relevant to us today.

"From those to whom much is given... much is expected." Yes, that's you and me.

Please feel free to contact me with thoughts and questions. mtorello@hcsdk8.org