Welcome to iLab!

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” ~Henry Ford

Welcome to the Innovation Lab! In the iLab, we provide opportunities for students to focus deeply on our district’s Essential Outcomes while investigating challenges related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We provide direct instruction on how to function effectively in collaborative groups as students engage in hands-on design challenges. Students will apply the Design Thinking process, and their math and science knowledge, to projects such as designing a cardboard arcade games, creating Rube Goldberg machines, programming robots, and building structures to withstand earthquakes. Students work in small groups on tasks designed to allow students to problem solve, take risks, and explore their curiosity. In the iLab, the focus is placed on the process over the final product, and we encourage children to see mistakes and failures as learning opportunities. Thanks to the generous donations of South parents and the Hillsborough community, we have many exciting tools to explore including our Glowforge laser cutter, Keva planks, Microbits, Little Bits, Lego WeDo, Cubelets Robots, a 3D printer, and more. I am so excited to practice creativity and innovation with your child!

The iLab is always looking for “junk” that we can repurpose for our design challenges. Below is a list of items that you might have around your house. If so, please consider donating them to the South iLab.

South iLab Wish List


Wine corks

Paper towel rolls

Toilet paper rolls


Thread spools

Strawberry Baskets

Large Cardboard Boxes (at certain times of year only)