"History is who we are and why we are the way we are."

PDF of the textbook available here.

Grade 10 Only

Please check the project page for more information regarding Q3 Project (click here)

All Grade 10 essays are due on Thursday, March 28 2019 @ 15:00

You have to share Google Doc with Ms. Barbora ( barbora@hawarschool.com )

Please note: late submission policy apply

10% for each day and a 0 after one week

Dear all,

I hope you had a very nice and restful holiday. You deserved it after the exams.

Let me reflect a bit on the past semester and the exams. I can see a lot of improvement in many of you. If you look back where you started in September and how far you got by now. I have to say I am very proud.

You didn't learn only facts about history, but you adopted some very useful skills. When I was reading your answers in an exam paper I could see the difference. You are able to express your opinion as well as support it with valid reasons.

I am aware not all of you are satisfied with your results, but let it be a power which pushes you to achieve more in the next quarters. We are just in the middle, there is still a chance to improve.

Don't give up. Keep trying and keep learning.

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Holiday Homework

check the homework section Homework

Latest updates

Please check the Test section

Test will be conducted in a week beginning 9th of December

Please check the project page for more information regarding Q2 Project.

All essays are due on Thursday, November 15th 2018 @ 15:00

You can submit them via email ( barbora@hawarschool.com )

Please note: late submission policy apply

10% for each day and a 0 after one week

How does this website work?

Social Studies Guideline for Grade 9&10@HIS

Dear Students,

this website is going to be your guide through my classes.

You will be able to find all necessary recourses for your Social Studies classes. This side will help you to navigate through all the materials. You will find extra worksheets and practice questions as well as all the Questions of the day.

All you need will be easily accessible. No more Ms. I lost my copies can you give it to me. No more excuses such as:I didn't get the homework.

You will be responsible for following the news feed on this website to be updated. And to submit all your work on time.

I am looking forward to our fruitful cooperation in my classroom.

Kind regards

Ms. Barbora