Week 1- Welcome to the class, first things first...

Week 1 - Getting Started

Topic Objective

How to successfully navigate through this course-site to excel in your class.


This may be your first online course in which you will need help. The following guidelines will help to ensure your success!

To successfully navigate through this course, you need a good computer, and reliable Internet access. Log into <laulima.hawaii.edu>. Print the Syllabus which has been placed for you in the Home Page found in the Syllabus toolbar on the left side in Laulima. If/when you need help, just email me at dchoy@hawaii.edu, or call me at my office phone 455-0614. If you have trouble with your User ID or cannot log in, call the LCC Help Desk at 455-0271. We are all here to help you. We want you to succeed.

Topic Summary

First things first; Relax! You are in the right place. I have outlined everything in a simple and easy way for you. Your job is to complete your course assignments and turn them in on time.

Click on the syllabus link, located on the left side of the screen. You will find the weekly requirements, assignments, grading policy, and other important information.

Check your messages at least 2-3 times per day. We strongly suggest that you spend at least 3-5 hours per week working on and submitting assignments, and doing other course activities.


    • Watch the video clip of a successful online student below and relate this to your personal feelings of taking this online course. Discuss your feelings to this course and respond between 150 and 200 words. Post your response under Forums which is located in Laulima.

    • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsoJSu07VT8

    • After reading your syllabus, should you have any questions regarding course content, please post your questions onto the course discussion board, and I will answer it. You may be quizzed on the contents of the syllabus at the beginning of next week.

    • Think of at least one problem, that you may encounter, that would make succeeding in an online course challenging. Post this problem onto the discussion board. In addition, please read other students' comment and give solutions as to how they may overcome their own problems.

    • ** I almost forgot. Please respond to at least 1 other student's posting by Sunday with 51 to 150 words.


Posting onto the discussion board or forums before the due date following the specific guidelines will result in full credit. Posting late (up to a week) will result in half credit for work. No credit will be given for work turned in after this. Below is the grading rubric.


Please use the following resources to assist you in completing this week's assignments.

