Why Anthropology?


To work with other people from different cultures and different places successfully you must understand their background and thinking - Particularly Working here in Hawaii Nei.

  • Will you work as a social worker or doctor or nurse? - Your patients and co-workers will come from many different cultures.

  • Will you work as a detective or police officer or news reporter? - Your partners and clients (and the crooks too!) will come from many different cultures.

  • Will you operate a business or start your own? - Your workers and customers and suppliers will come from many different cultures.

What courses at American universities teach you about different people and cultures of Asia and the Pacific as well as other countries? - What courses discuss race and racism. - What courses deal with the health and environment issues of our time that affect business and jobs? - What courses focus on understanding both women and men from non-European backgrounds?

Have you guessed the answer?

Right! - Anthropology!

Anthropology courses help you learn about diverse PEOPLE and their most powerful tool - CULTURE. You will learn some ways scientists study us and our ancestors. You will explore both facts and theories about our cultural heritage and physical makeup. You will examine the lifestyles of several different people from around the world. You will investigate where we are today, where we are going tomorrow, and how we fit into the total picture of life here - on our SPACESHIP EARTH.

Course Descriptions

For information about the courses we offer now - click on the link on the left menu.

  • ANTH 135 - Pacific Island Peoples (3)

  • ANTH 151 - Emerging Humanity (3)

  • ANTH 200 - Cultural Anthropology (3)

Visit Rob Edmondson's page for more information about anthropology at Honolulu Community College.