Student FAQs About Ally

Alternative formats

What alternative formats does Ally generate?

Ally can provide alternative formats for these file types:

  • PDF files

  • Microsoft® Word files

  • Microsoft® Powerpoint® files

  • OpenOffice/LibreOffice files

  • Uploaded HTML files

These alternative formats can be generated:

  • OCR’d version (for scanned documents)

  • Tagged PDF (currently for Word, Powerpoint and OpenOffice/LibreOffice files)

  • Semantic HTML

  • Audio

  • ePub

  • Electronic Braille

More on alternative formats

Are alternate versions generated when a request to download is made?

When a particular alternative format for a particular content item is requested for the first time, Ally generates this on demand. In most cases, this completes within 1-2 minutes.

As soon as it has been generated, the alternative format is downloaded. Ally then also caches the result, so any additional requests for the same alternative format can be served and downloaded from cache immediately.

Does Ally generate alternative accessible versions for student content?

Ally currently only processes instructional content. For example, content added by someone with edit permissions in the course, such as the instructor or instructional designer. Ally currently does not process student content or student submissions.

What format is the OCR’d alternative format?

The OCR’d version is made available as a tagged PDF.

What format is the Audio alternative format?

The audio alternative format is made available as a downloadable MP3 file. We also add some of the extracted semantic information into the speech, which adds additional structure to the audio and makes it easier to listen to.

Which Braille code does Ally use for the Electronic Braille Format?

Ally uses Braille Ready File (.brf) as the electronic Braille format. The braille code used depends on the language the document is in. For English documents, Ally uses Grade 2 Unified English Braille (contracted).

More on Unified English Braille on the UKAAF website

Can the Ally Electronic Braille Format be printed using a Braille printer?

The Braille Ready File (.brf) format can be used for both electronic braille displays and braille embossers (printers).

You still need to check whether a specific Braille embosser/printer supports the .brf format.

More on BRF on the Accessible Instructional Materials website