General Information

General Information

Phonics in Hedgehog

Sounds write guide.pdf
Learning Objectives Phonics.docx

We teach phonics daily using a program called Sounds-Write. It is a comprehensive system which teaches reading, spelling and writing. There are four key concepts to teaching Sounds-Write which are:

The Sound Write programme teaches children to understand how the alphabet code works and gives them the skills to write using plausible spellings for sounds. 

"This is our second phonics lesson - 2021. We are learning to read and write the word  mat".


Reception have a weekly music session with Mrs Youlton. The children learn different rhythms, rhymes and songs linked to our curriculum.  


Reception have 2 PE sessions a week. The children learn fundamental sports skills as well as developing gross motor skills. On PE days, children are currently coming into school dressed in full PE kit.

Wellie Wednesday 

Every Wednesday we go to the Church garden to explore and investigate. The children learn about the seasons, life cycles, observation skills and exploration of the natural world. 

Please ensure your child has Wellington boots and sufficient coat for this session. The children can leave their boots at school if preferred. 

Routine of the Day

08:45  Children enter school

09:00 Registration and Phonics

09:25 Play and Learn

10:30 Snack and Story time/Circle time/Other Area of Learning

10:45 Play and Learn

11:30 Class Assembly

11:45 Lunch Time

12:00 Lunch Play Time

13:00  Reflection Time

13:05 Maths Lesson

13:25 Play and Learn

14:30 Tidy up Time

14:40 Reflection on the days learning/Sharing Tapestry

14:55 Story time

15:15 Home Time

Times may vary dependent on time of the year. The adult led learning sessions will become longer in time matching to the children's listening and understanding level of development.