Parents Advocating for Student Success

   This page was created for Parent advocates by Parent Advocates Supporting Students with Learning Differences (disabilities) is a work in progress. It is a cite for parents of children with LD(s) to post links to websites, images, videos, books, quotes and professional development opportunities that will help their Child's teachers understand what it is like to have a LD and how they can support that student in the best possible way.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, BUT imagination.

- Albert Einstein

How we learn has nothing to do with how brilliant we are.

- Henry Winkler

Being diagnosed with Dyslexia at age 60 "was like the last puzzle part in a tremendous mystery that I've kept to myself all these years."

- Steven Spielberg

Reading has nothing to do with intelligence.  It's just one way of getting information.  The important thing is how the person possess that information, the kind of person we are, the contributions we make, and the kind of utility we have for society.

- David Boies

I am a School Counsellor and I am a Mom to a neurodivergent teenager.  I have been an advocate for my Students for over 24 years and I am now my teenager's biggest advocate as I take a journey on the "other side" of the desk.  I welcome sources from other Parents of Children with a LD(s) as I do not want this to be "my" website, rather, I want it to be "our" website.  Please forward any ideas, or links to the email address listed under the "contact us" title.

- Nicoline Hussey, 2023

Contact Us

Please email Nicoline at: