August 11, 2015




1800 Sandy Hook Road, Room 250, Goochland, VA

August 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.

(Closed meeting at 6:00 p.m.)


1. Call to Order

2. Closed Meeting

Is there a motion to go into closed meeting pursuant to §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia for the discussion of the appointment, performance, retirement, and resignation of specific personnel of the Board, and pursuant to §2.2-3711(A)(2) for the discussion or consideration of requests for religious exemption?

3. Reconvene in Open Meeting

Is there a motion to certify that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board?

4. Moment of Silence

5. Pledge of Allegiance

6. Additions/Amendments/Adoption Proposed Agenda

7. Recognitions:

A. Anne Moore - Presidential Award of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Presidential Innovation Award for Environment Educators

B. ECCHO Awards - Kari Shannonhouse and Kim Watts

8. Superintendent's Comments

A. New School Year

9. Announcements/Reminders

A. Ron Clark Presentation: August 13, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. at Goochland High School, 3250-A River Road West, Goochland, VA

B. Convocation: August 13, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Goochland High School, 3250-A River Road West, Goochland, VA

C. Regular workshop: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at Goochland Elementary School, 3150 River Road West, Goochland, VA

10. First Public Comment Period

11. Committee and Board Reports

12. Items for School Board Review:

A. Reports

1. Operations Report

2. Instruction Report

3. Finance Report

13. Consent Items

A. Personnel Action

B. Minutes: Minutes from the July 14, 2015 regular meeting and July 28, 2015 Board retreat will be presented for approval.

C. Bills and payroll for July. (Link to check register.) (Credit card reconciliations.)

D. Religious Exemption Requests 3-16, 4-16, 5-16, 6-16, 7-16, and 8-16

14. Action Items:

A. New Textbook Approvals (Strategy 1.3.3: 2-year Degree Program)

B. New Course Approval (Strategy 1.1.3: Teacher Support for Engagement) (Syllabus)

15. Information Items

A. School Activity Fund Audit (Strategy 3.3.2: Audit Resolution) (CAFR) (Mgmt Ltr)

B. Employee Handbook and Parent/Student Handbook Review

(Strategy 2.1.7: Professional Learning and Strategy 3.1.1: Programs to Address Discipline and Bullying)

C. Dual Enrollment (Strategy 1.3.3: 2-year Degree Program)

16. Policy Updates and New Policies: Second Reading (Strategy 3.3.1: New Mandate Compliance)

GAE/JHG Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

JHG/GAE Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

GBA/JFHA Prohibition Against Harassment and Retaliation

JFHA/GBA Prohibition Against Harassment and Retaliation

GCG Professional Staff Probationary Term and Continuing Contract

GCI-R Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers, Teacher Transfer Request, and Administrative Guidelines

GEA/JOH Acceptance of Electronic Signatures and Records

JOH/GEA Acceptance of Electronic Signatures and Records

JCJ Classroom Assignments for Twins

JEC School Admission

JEC-R School Admission

JEC-R1 Admission of Non-Resident Students

JFCD Weapons in School

JHCC Communicable Diseases

JO Student Records

17. Policy Updates and New Policies: First Reading (Strategy 3.3.1: New Mandate Compliance) (Explanation of Revisions)

BBFA Conflict of Interests and Disclosure of Economic Interests (GCPS) (Rev)

BDC Closed Meetings (GCPS) (Rev)

BDDD Quorum (GCPS) (Rev)

BDDE Rules of Order (GCPS) (Rev)

GB Equal Employment Opportunity/Nondiscrimination (GCPS) (Rev)

IGAH Family Life Education (FLE) (GCPS) (Rev)

IGAJ Driver Education (GCPS) (Rev)

IKEB Acceleration (GCPS) (Rev)

KFB Administration of Surveys and Questionnaires (GCPS) (Rev)

LBD Home Instruction (GCPS) (Rev)

18. Old Business

19. New Business

20. Second Public Comment Period

21. Closed Meeting (if necessary)

22. Adjournment

Vision: Inspiring and preparing the next generation to make a positive impact.

Mission: To maximize the potential of every learner.

Core Values: Excellence, Creativity, Courage, Honor, Optimism

Goal 1: Prepared for Life through Deeper Learning

Goal 2: Improved School Climate

Goal 3: Safe Schools with Effective Management