Gideon Welles Library Media Center

Read, Listen, Write, and Inquire with Jack Gantos this summer!

Jack Gantos is visiting sixth graders at Gideon Welles in October!  Let's get ready to meet this author by exploring his books, watching his interviews and maybe even trying out some of his writing tips.  Don't forget to add your ideas to the padlet! Explore the choice board below for the links. 

Bonus:  Read one of Jack's books to enter a raffle to win a lunch with Mr. Gantos.  

Who is Jack Gantos?

Check out these summer reading picks!

Summer Reading Bitmoji virtual classroom book talks-website
Reading Middle Grade 2023 Summer Reading Guide.pdf
Book Recommendations

eBooks and Audio Books

Check out our new e-book and audiobook app.  Go to self-service, download the app and sign in with your google account.

Let's get READING!

This page includes suggestions for quality, independent reading materials for our students. You will find reliable online resources, local Glastonbury resources, and the Library Media Specialist's picks. Teachers and librarians will offer reading suggestions when a student either requires or requests this assistance. No reading is required through the school library.

NOTE:  We encourage parents to monitor the materials their children are selecting to read. We also encourage parents to regularly discuss these materials with their children.