Welcome to our 2nd Grade

 Classroom Website

(see log-in info on COntact INFORMATION page)

If it is under 60 degrees outside, students in Mrs. Weaver's class 

must wear a jacket out to recess.  

Please dress for the weather!

Check the weather here at weather.com.

RelateD Arts

A Day - Art

B Day - Media (all books are due!)

C Day - Music

D Day - Physical Education


Remember to encourage healthy eating habits.

Elementary Breakfast: $1.50, Reduced Price .30

Elementary Lunch: $2.75, Reduced Price .40

Please have your child practice memorizing their lunch number for days that they will be buy their breakfast or lunch.

Pay your child's lunch account here: Infinite Campus

GJPS Food Services - menus can be found here!

My Plate Blast Off!

Other games and resources: MyPlate Kids Place


Scholastic Reading Club orders

Every order gets us free books for the classroom!

Our classroom code is: GMXG8


Phonics - Songs of the Week

Here students can practice their reading 

fluency - just like Karaoke!

Word Study - Fluency