District Wide Assessment - May 4-7, 2015

Post date: May 7, 2015 4:06:08 AM

ACT Aspire and Standards Based Assessment is scheduled for next week, May 4-8, 2015. Students will be tested on Guam Department of Education standards and Common Core State Standards. These standardized tests help track progress of students from grade to grade, and provides an opportunity to make comparisons across schools and districts. As always, we encourage students to take these assessments seriously.

Because these tests are a bit different from what students and families are familiar with, we ask you to review the "JRMS District Wide Assessment Guidelines for Students" with your child.

The testing block is from 8:40am to 12:15pm. Please try to schedule appointments around the testing periods.

Calculators with basic functions are permitted. Graphing and Scientific Calculators are not. However, IF you have a basic calculator, you may use it. Check your math teacher to make sure it is the correct kind.

Come to school everyday!

Source: May 2015 Newsletter