Ms. Harris

7th Grade Math

The best way to reach Ms. Harris:

Planning time 8:30am - 9:45am

Link for I-Ready

"Eagles always SOAR"

S-strive for excellence

O-on time and on task

A-act responsibly

R-respect yourself and others

Letter to Parent-download here

Please fill out: Student Information google form

Supply list for Ms. Harris' math class:

*2-composition notebooks (Color does not matter, we will create a cover for the notebooks.)

*ear buds to keep with you every day at school

*colored pencils (twistables are the best)



*red ink pen

*tape (several!) and or glue sticks (about 10)

*fine dry erase marker

*pencil pouch to carry all your supplies

Any donations of Tissues, clorox wipes, pencils, eraser caps would be greatly appreciated!!