Lab 6: Cache


This is a two-part assignment.

Part A: due before Thanksgiving break, i.e., Tuesday 11/22 end of day.
If you don't finish by then, you should still complete Part A after the break, but you will lose some points.

Parts A and B: due December 10th, 1:20pm


In this two-part lab you'll build a cache simulator (in Part A) then use it to test your optimization of a matrix transpose function (in Part B).

The code you need to get started can be downloaded here:


As described in the writeup, each time you type make in the cachelab-handout directory, the Makefile creates a tarbell, called userid-handin.tar (where userid is your login), that contains your current csim.c and trans.c files.

For both Part A and the complete assignment, you should submit userid-handin.tar using the following command:

cs105submit -a 06 userid-handin.tar