Click here for my CV
Professor for Sustainability Economics and Head of the Sustainability Economics Group, University of Hamburg
Project chair, Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS)
Member, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN)
Member, Standing Field Committee on Environmental & Resource Economics, Verein für Socialpolitik
Affiliate, CESifo Research Network
Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Guest professor, University of Gothenburg
My research focuses on designing and evaluating public policies to address sustainability challenges, such as relating to climate change, biodiversity conservation, fishery and forests, air and water quality, and health, with a special focus on distributional issues. Drawing on theory, modelling and empirical approaches, my work seeks to inform the transition towards more sustainable futures.
My work appears in general economics journals (e.g. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Economic Literature), field journals (e.g. JEEM, EARE), and interdisciplinary journals (e.g. Nature Climate Change, PNAS, Science), is featured in various media outlets, and has informed public policy guidance i.a. in Germany, the Netherlands, the EU, the UK, and the US.
Super excited to be joining ETH Zürich in April 2025 to build a Sustainability Economics Group at D-MTEC
Honoured to be a recipient of the 2024 European Award for Researchers in Environmental Economics under the Age of Forty
Very grateful for the Joachim Herz Prize that allows bringing to life the project "Mapping the Effects of Environmental Policies (MEEP)", together with Piero Basaglia, Björn Bos, Lutz Sager & Felix Schaumann; for an introduction, see this video (in German)
Journal publications:
The Economics of Inequality and the Environment
Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming (with Kornek, U., Meya, J.N. & L. Sager).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024 (with Moore, F., Rising, J., Dietz, S., Rudik, I. & G. Wagner).
Pricing Carbon: Evidence from Expert Recommendations
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2024 (with Nesje, F. & R.C. Schmidt). [Executive summary] [AEA featured chart]
Climate policy curves highlight key mitigation choices
Climate Policy, 2024 (with M.C. Hänsel, Bauer, M., Wagner, G. & G. Rudebusch).
The EU Emissions Trading System Might Generate Large Co-Benefits from Pollution Reduction
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024 (with Basaglia, P., & J. Grunau).
Dishonesty is linked with the spread of infectious diseases
Economics Letters, 2024 (with Martini, C., Bos, B., Meya, J.N. & M.F. Quaas).
Accounting for the increasing benefits from scarce ecosystems
Science, 2024 (with M.C. Hänsel, E.P. Fenichel, M. Freeman, C. Gollier, B. Groom, G.M. Heal, P.H. Howard, A. Millner, F.C. Moore, F. Nesje, M.F. Quaas, S. Smulders, T. Sterner, C. Traeger & F. Venmans). [Interactive shiny app]
Relative Price Changes of Ecosystem Services: Evidence from Germany
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024 (with J. Heckenhahn).
Effects of behavioral interventions on climate beliefs and policy support across 55 countries
Science Advances, 2024 (with Vlasceanu, M., Doell, K., et al.). [Interactive shiny app]
US benefit-cost analysis requires revision
Science, 2023 (with Howard, P. H., Sarinsky, M. et al.).
Philosophers and economists agree on climate policy paths but for different reasons
Nature Climate Change, 2023 (with Nesje, F., Groom, B., & Freeman, M.C.).
The future, now: A review of social discounting
Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2022 (with Groom, B., Freeman, M.C., & F. Nesje).
Relative Prices and Climate Policy: How the Scarcity of Non-Market Goods Drives Policy Evaluation
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2021 (with M.C. Hänsel).
Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis
Nature Human Behaviour, 2021 (with Everett, J.A.C., Colombatto, C., & M.J. Crockett et al.).
Testing Structural Benefit Transfer: The Role of Income Inequality
Resource and Energy Economics, 2021 (with Meya, J.N., & N. Hanley).
PLoS ONE, 2021 (with Quaas, M.F., Meya, J.N., Schenk, H., Bos, B., & T. Requate).
Climate economics support for the UN climate targets
Nature Climate Change, 2020 (with Hänsel, M.C., Johansson, D.J.H., Nesje, F., Azar, C., Freeman, M.C., Groom, B. & T. Sterner).
Moral suasion and the private provision of public goods: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2020 (with Bos, B., Meya, J.N., and M.F. Quaas).
Between Ostrom and Nordhaus: The research landscape of sustainability economics
Ecological Economics, 2020 (with Baumgärtner, S., Meyer, M., Quaas, M.F. & H. von Wehrden).
Intertemporal utility with heterogeneous goods and constant elasticity of substitution
Economics Letters, 2020 (with Quaas, M.F., Baumgärtner, S., & J.N. Meya).
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2020 (with Khadjavi, M., Riekhof, M.-C. & R. Voss).
Truth-telling and the regulator. Experimental evidence from commercial fishermen
European Economic Review, 2019 (with Khadjavi, M. & M.F. Quaas).
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2018 (with Freeman, M.C., Groom, B. & F. Nesje).
Economic Inequality and the Value of Nature
Ecological Economics, 2018 (with Meya, J.N., Baumgärtner, S. & M.F. Quaas).
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2018.
Subsistence, Substitutability and Sustainability in Consumer Preferences
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2017 (with Baumgärtner, S., & M.F. Quaas).
Income Inequality and Willingness to Pay for Environmental Public Goods
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017 (with Baumgärtner, S., Meya, J.N., Munz, J.M. & M.F. Quaas).
Energy Policy, 2011.
Working papers & selected work-in-progress:
Inequality and the Value of Public Natural Capital
CESifo Working Paper 8752 (with Meya, J.N., Baumgärtner, S. & M.F. Quaas).
CESifo Working Paper 10508 (with Basaglia, P. & Behr, S.M. ).
Designing carbon pricing policies across the globe
CESifo Working Paper 11424 (with Nesje, F. & R.C. Schmidt).
Testing the free-rider hypothesis in climate policy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.06209 (with R.C. Schmidt, Hoegen, H. & F. Nesje).
Financial risk-taking under health risk
CESifo Working Paper 10387 (with Bos, B., Meya, J.N., & M.F. Quaas).
Sense and sensitivity: An argument against reporting multiple Net Present Values SSRN Working Paper (with Nesje, F., M.C. Freeman and B. Groom).
The Truth-Telling of Truth-Seekers: Evidence from Online-Experiments with Scientists
CESifo Working Paper 10897 (with Khadjavi, M. & R. Voss).
CESifo Working Paper 11500 (with Z. Turk, Groom, B., & J. Heckenhahn).
Heterogeneous Substitutability Preferences
CESifo Working Paper 11197 (with Bos, B., Disque, S. & J.N. Meya).
(with Baumgärtner, S).
The distributional effects of low emission zones: Who benefits from cleaner air?
(with Bos, B., & L. Sager).
Distributional preferences in risky situations
(with Bos, B., & P.G. Piacquadio).
Re-assessing the health of the global oceans according to general population preferences
(with Bos, B., & S. Disque).
Structural modelling interactions in climate policy evaluation
(with Schaumann, F., Anthoff, D., Hänsel, M.C., Moore, F.C., Rennels, L., & Rising, J.).
Other publications:
Scientific data, 2024 (with Doell, K. C., et al.).
Inequality and the Environment: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management [Editorial], 2023 (with Meya, J.N., Quaas, M.F. & L. Sager).
2023, Public Consultation Response on proposed Circular A–4, “Regulatory Analysis.” (with E.P. Fenichel, M. Freeman, C. Gollier, B. Groom, M.C. Hänsel, G.M. Heal, A. Millner, F. Nesje, M.F. Quaas, S. Smulders, T. Sterner, C. Traeger, & F. Venmans).
Public comment on the Social Cost of Carbon and the role of long-term discounting to the US Environmental Protection Agency 2023, Comment on "Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review: EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0317-1460" (with M.C. Freeman, B. Groom, & F. Nesje).
Ö, April 2022 (with Kornek, U., Meya, J.N. & L. Sager).
2021, Comment on: “Technical Support Document: Social Cost of Carbon, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide Interim Estimates Under Executive Order 13990” (with Freeman, M.C., Groom, B. & F. Nesje).
2021 (with Bos, B., Meya, J.N., & Quaas, M.F.).
Diskussionsbeiträge der Scientists for Future 2, 2019 (with Mattauch, L. et al.).
How much should we care about the future? What the experts say.
EAERE Magazine No. 5, Spring 2019 (with Freeman, M.C., Groom, B. & F. Nesje)
Indicator-Based Analysis of the Process Towards a University in Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the University of Tübingen (Germany).
In Leal Filho, W. (Ed.): Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 169-183, 2015. (with Meisch, S., Hagemann, N., Geibel, J., & Gebhard, E.).
Change from below - student initiatives for universities in sustainable development.
In: Leal Filho, W. (Ed.): Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons, Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, Frankfurt, pp. 733-42, 2012 (with Esguerra, A., Keul, L., Loew Beer, D., Meisch, S. & F. Roosen-Runge).
Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung!
Metropolis, Marburg, 2012 (with Meisch, S., Drupp, M.A., Roosen-Runge, F., Keul, L., Esguerra, A. & J. Geibel for Greening the University e.V. (Eds.).).
Bottom-up Engagement für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Erfahrungen, Chancen und Grenzen
in: Greening the University e.V. (Eds.): Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung! Metropolis, Marburg 2012, pp. 91-118 (with Roosen-Runge, F., Keul, L. & A. Esguerra).
Aktionsmöglichkeit für Studierende und Motivationen
in: StudierendenInitiative Greening the University e.V. (Eds.): Greening the University – Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige Hochschule, oekom Verlag, München 2009, pp. 132-137 (with Keul, L.).
University of Hamburg
BSc seminar: Inequality and the Environment (Summer 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024).
BSc seminar: The Economics of Climate Change (Winter 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022)
BSc lecture: Sustainability Economics (Winter 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021)
MSc lecture: Cost-Benefit Analysis (Summer 2019)
MSc seminar: The Economics and Politics of Climate Change (Summer 2023)
PhD seminar in Environmental and Resource Economics (Summer 2019, Summer and Winter 2020, Summer 2021, 2023, 2024), with A. Lange and G. Perino
MOOLs (Massive Open Online Lectures)
I have also recorded two MOOLs designed as background information for high-school teachers (in German only) for the "Teach Economy" program of the Joachim Herz Stiftung. You can register for this program here:
Grundlagen der Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsökonomik – Wirtschaft und Umweltschutz, wie passt das zusammen?
Grundlagen der Klimaökonomik – Können wir mit Ökonomik das Klima retten?
Kiel University
MSc seminar: Resource Economics (2014-2015), with M.F. Quaas et al.
University of Tübingen
Sustainable Economic Policy (2012-2016), with J. Geibel
Defining and measuring sustainability (2012, 2015), with S. Meisch et al.
Teaching Assistant for Intermediate Macroeconomics (2010-2011)
Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Economics (2008-2009)